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The contents of this website including Text and Non-Text are subject to the copyright reserved by Known-You Seed Co., Ltd.

1. Soil, climate, cultivation methods all affect the growth of crops. The varieties sold shall be grown under suitable conditions. Please consult the local cultural practices. Identical results are not guaranteed, nor implied for all growing conditions.
2. In case of any loss that is caused by the influence on the heredity gene from the environment and cultivating conditions, the exclusive remedy shall be limited to return of purchasing seed amount of this product and shall not include any consequential damage. Please do not open if you cannot accept this term, and return with the Invoice as soon as possible.
3. The seed with original intact package can be stored for 6 months in proper, cool and dry conditions. After opening the package, please use the seeds immediately. We are not liable for any germination decrease caused by improper storage or usage.
4. We are not responsible for any loss which is due to repacking or processing of the seeds from purchaser.
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