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Known-You Seed Co., Ltd. was established in 1968. Since then, we have strived to improve the agricultural industry in order to serve the society and bring better welfare to mankind.


Besides committing more efforts in vegetable breeding and carrying it forward, we are also taking actions to counteract the food shortage caused by climate change and global warming in recent years. Known-You has been engaging in developing more excellent varieties which are more resistant in heat, diseases, adverse conditions, etc.


Furthermore, Known-You Social Welfare Foundation, a non-profit organization, was established by Known-You Seed Co., Ltd. on January 4, 1992 in order to make contribution to the Society.


Moreover, not only in Taiwan, Known-You Seed established Myanmar Known-You Seed Farmers’ Hospital in 2001 to help local sick farmers in need. In addition, the subsidiaries of Thailand and India also allocate their net profits to help poor local farmers and provide scholarships every year.

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